Day before 1st OB/GYN visit

Mama Olya and Papa Victor spent most of the day at home today, enjoying each other, making jokes, complaining about Josh (the window guy who is always late or does not finish anything on time) and watching funny cat videos.

After papa went to the gym, he bought mama flowers and a card. The card was supposedly  written by you, our baby, and you can see a picture of it here. When papa came home, he found out mama had also written him a card! 🙂

Tomorrow we will see you on the ultrasound TV, baby!

Love you,

Mama and Papa

Papa and mama relaxing at home
Papa and mama relaxing at home
Mama being silly!
Front of the card you and I wrote mama today!
Card you and I wrote mama today!
Front of card mama wrote dad today
card mama wrote papa

2 thoughts on “Day before 1st OB/GYN visit

  1. God stay with you, my baby. Today in the doctor’s appointment and in all the days of your life.
    We love you so much!
    Grandma Elisa


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