Month: December 2015

Your first book present!

Hi son!

A few days ago, some friends came over for dinner. Sam (USA) and Elisa (Equador) brought you a nice little gift! Sam works in education and literacy, so he decided to give you a nice little book for daddy and mommy to read for you. This one is in English, but MANY others will follow in Russian, Portuguese, and English as well.

We love and can’t wait to hear your heart beat again on our upcoming doctor’s visit. We are keeping our fingers crossed that you will be a great, polite, intelligent, sweet, funny, and book-loving boy! 😉

Love you!

Your first little book gift! 🙂

We cant’ wait to see you growing!

Baby Poputnikova Santos (or possibly “Dylan”),

Papai (“daddy” in Portuguese) saw a really beautiful video today that made me think just how much I can’t wait to see you! I want to enjoy every day of your life (and our lives together) slowly and make the best of every single of them them because you will grow so quickly! Mama and I can’t wait to play with you every day and see your personality develop little by little!

We hope you are having a good time in mama’s belly and promise we will get you a more spacious abode once you are born, ok? 😉

Beijos de blueberry (one of mama’s favorite fruits),

Papa and Mama


It’s a boy! это мальчик! É um menino!

Dear baby Poputnikova Santos,

It’s now official! Mama got news today that you will be a boy! 🙂 We now need to think of a nice name for you, one which will be at least as awesome as you will be, buddy! We are SOOO happy that you are healthy and can’t wait to hug you and love you!

If you happen to have any name preferences yourself, let us know! We can’t wait to meet you again and see you on the doctor’s TV in 3 weeks!
